On February 11, the Tennessee Department of Education announced Bristol Tennessee City Schools is a Best for All District, joining 67 other districts across the state earning this designation. Additionally, the department is celebrating these districts on #BestforAllDay through a statewide livestream event from 10 to 11:30 a.m. ET available here .
Governor Bill Lee announced a day of recognition in honor of Best for All Districts on Friday, February 11, 2022. The Best for All recognition program awards benefits to Tennessee school districts that designated historic amounts of federal COVID-19 relief and stimulus funding directly to student achievement and improving academic outcomes. The department announced the Best for All recognition program in July of 2021, sharing financial, operational, celebratory, and resource benefits awarded to Tennessee school districts that planned to spend historic amounts of federal COVID-19 relief and stimulus funding directly on student achievement and improving academic outcomes.
“We are excited about the opportunity to participate in the statewide Best for All Day celebration, recognizing districts that are leading the state in putting students first,” said Annette Tudor, Bristol Tennessee City Schools director of schools. “While we were only required to spend 20% of our ESSER 3.0 allocation to address COVID-related learning loss, we are committed to spend at least half of our funding on direct services to students designed to accelerate learning.”
“Best for All Districts are meeting this critical moment in time head on, building upon statewide momentum to focus their efforts on students-first work and outcomes,” said Commissioner Penny Schwinn. “I couldn’t be more proud to celebrate these districts and their communities who are so deserving of this recognition as we accelerate achievement each day moving forward. Congratulations!”
Beginning in 2020, the U.S. Congress responded to the global COVID-19 health pandemic by passing several pieces of legislation, and as a result Tennessee is benefitting from over $4.5 billion for K-12 education to be spent between spring 2020 and fall 2024. To qualify for the Best for All recognition program, a district spent an amount equal to 50% of its ESSER 3.0 award amount on proven, research-based strategies to raise student academic achievement and participate in the TN ALL Corps tutoring grant program to provide students with high-dosage, low-ratio tutoring opportunities.