Tennessee High School’s new Friendship Career Center, home of Viking Academy, welcomed the community for tours on Wednesday, October 26.
While the Viking Academy program began serving students last school year, students and staff just moved to the new facility on October 10.
The purpose of Viking Academy is to provide an off-site, innovative learning program for Tennessee High School. Viking Academy offers students personalized educational and work-based learning options for those who choose an alternative pathway or are having difficulty in the traditional system. The program at Viking Academy prepares students for success upon graduation by reimagining time, space, learning styles, and community partnerships.
“Learning environments play a crucial role in student success,” said Kelly Vance, Viking Academy administrator. “Students who are in a positive learning environment with natural light, comfortable furniture, and state-of-the-art equipment are more engaged, motivated, and able to focus at a higher level. The Friendship Career Center has been designed with students in mind. The academic classrooms are furnished with desks, tables, chairs, and stools chosen for comfort and flexibility. The automotive shop rivals college-level facilities and provides an authentic workspace for students interested in this career path. This amazing facility is evidence that not only is our school system dedicated to student success, but our community is committed to their success as well.”
The facility, located at 1855 Volunteer Parkway in a former automotive dealership, was donated to Bristol Tennessee City Schools in September 2021 by the Mitch Walters family and Friendship Automotive Enterprises to expand educational and workforce development opportunities for students. Viking Academy is an Innovative High School Model Grant Project. The Innovative School Models is an initiative the state of Tennessee launched aimed at building readiness and preparing students for success after high school. The goal is for more students to have opportunities to participate in innovative local programs aligned to Tennessee’s highest demand skills and careers.
Bristol Tennessee City Schools would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Mitch Walters Family & Friendship Automotive Enterprises for their generous donation of the facility.