Personal Communication/Digital Devices
School board policy allows personal communications devices in school. However, students may not use their phones during school hours unless specific directions from a staff member allow their use. The devices must be in the student’s locker or backpack and must be off. A teacher has the authorization to withhold a student’s phone from the student for the duration of the instructional time if the student’s phone is a distraction to the class or student. Any violation may result in confiscation of the device and assignment to in-school suspension. If a device is confiscated and sent to the school office, it will be returned only to the parent or guardian. The taking of photos or the recording of videos, whether by cell phone or any other device, in places where privacy is a reasonable expectation is strictly prohibited. Using cell phone cameras to record altercations on school grounds or at school events is prohibited. In such cases, phones may be confiscated as evidence, and consequences will be assigned.
Any student who possesses a personal digital device (tablet, wearable smartwatches/electronic devices, etc.) during the instructional school day must do so under the direct supervision of the student’s teacher or be subject to related disciplinary action. A personal digital device may be confiscated if it is powered on or is used during the school day in a manner that distracts from the learning environment in any way.