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Home School

Home School

In Tennessee, parents have the option to educate their children at home, an option known as home schooling or home education. Parents in Tennessee may choose to home school their own children in grades K-12. The Tennessee Home School law (Tennessee Code Annotated 49-6-3050) states: "A home school is a school conducted or directed by a parent or parents or a legal guardian or guardians for their own children." Parents desiring to home school their own children may do so by choosing one of the following three options.

Independent Home School 

Parents may home school their own children pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 49-6-3050 by registering with their local school district.  Parents must provide annual notice to the local director of schools prior to each school year of the parent-teacher’s intent to conduct a home school.  For the purpose of reporting only, submission to the director of schools of the names, number, ages and grade levels of the children to be home schooled, the location of the school, the proposed curriculum to be offered, the proposed hours of instruction and the qualifications of the parent-teacher.  Parents must maintain attendance records and submit these records to the Director of Schools at the end of each school year; and submit proof of vaccination and receipt of any health services or examinations as required by law.

Parents choosing this educational option should begin by contacting the local school district. The parent will be required to complete an Intent to Home School form and provide evidence of a high school diploma or GED.  Student attendance (at least 4 hours per day, 180 days per year) must be reported to the local school district at the end of the school year. Testing of independent home school students is required in grades 5, 7, and 9 and coordinated through the local school district.

Category IV - Church Related Umbrella Schools

By authority of the same statute, parents may also home school their own children by registering with a church related "umbrella" school as defined by TCA 49-50-801. Parents who choose this option will be required to provide evidence to the local school district that their child is enrolled in a church-related school. An Intent to Home School form is not required for students who are enrolled in a church-related school. The church-related school will determine record keeping and test requirements for students enrolled in an umbrella school. 

Accredited Online School

Parents may also enroll their child in an accredited online school. Parents choosing this educational option must be sure to determine that the school has legitimate accreditation status and will be required to provide evidence to the local school district that their child is enrolled in an accredited online school. 

Additional information may be found on the Tennessee Department of Education Home School webpage.

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