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Twin City Reads

Take a guess:  What is the single most important year of an individual’s academic career?  The answer isn’t junior year of high school or senior year of college.  IT’S THIRD GRADE!

Evidence is consistent, positive, and convincing:  families have a major influence on their children’s achievement.  Because children from birth - age 5 learn faster than at any other time in their lives, parents and caregivers are a child’s first and most influential teacher … because that’s who they love. A child’s academic success begins by reading aloud to children from birth!

It’s Bristol BABY! is a children’s board book written for Bristol TN/VA children.  Seen from a child’s perspective from the seat of a stroller, the book provides a walking tour of familiar Twin City sites. Encouraging a life-long journey of reading, books are gifted to all babies born at Bristol Regional Medical Center. Copies of the book may be purchased at United Way Bristol TN/VA or by contacting Kay Ward at 423.652.9251.

Link to to learn about Bristol’s initiative for students - on both sides of the state line - to read on grade level by third grade. 

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